Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Annotated Biblyography

Gulliani, Rudolph. “All Drunk Driving Offenders Should Lose their Cars.” At Issue: Drunk Driving Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Fenway High School Library, Boston, MA. 29 March 2008

This source makes an argument that drinking and driving kills people, and that it is illegal. “Thousands of families each year lose loved ones because people fail to exercise the basic responsibility to abstain from drinking when they are going to drive an automobile.” The information is from Rudolph Giuliani, the mayor of New York. He believes every drunk driver should lose their car because they are dangerous on the road. He wants to protect people by removing drunk drivers from the road.

This information is useful because it shows the perspective of someone that does not like drunk driving. This article only tells one side; it only says drunk driving is bad. It does not tell how a person would feel if they lost their car. This makes it a little less useful, because only one side is told. “It is never harmless. It’s never excusable, and it’s always a grave, a grave error, and a crime.” This quote states that it is always illegal, in every situation.

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